September 2013

Elif has defended her PhD thesis! University of Twente, thank you for advertising my promotion!

an individual researcher


Member of Research Staff at Palo Alto Research Center, PARC, a Xerox Company

About me

The efficiency of micro- and macro- scale processes that involve fluids are often limited by transport phenomena. In particular within the boundary layers at interfaces, transport of mass (and heat) is limited by diffusion resulting in concentration (temperature) gradients. At the relevant length scales below millimeters, interfacial phenomena (e.g. capillarity, electrostatic interactions, surface tension gradients and molecular level forces due to hydrophilic/hydrophobic interactions) dominates the transport processes.

My research aims at enhanced interfacial phenomena in chemical engineering related problems by means of applying principles of transport phenomena, fluid dynamics and material science. Primary goal of my research is to achieve efficient and selective transport of mass from the bulk of the fluid to the surfaces integrated with interactive functional materials tailored for specific detection, conversion or separation.

My research employs experimental techniques providing high spatio-temporal resolution at microscopic length scales with combined modeling and numerical simulations. ​

Want to get involved? or have suggestions?  



July 2013

My project proposal has been awarded by Rubicon grant by The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Details are here. 

November 2014

Joining the American Physical Society's 67th Annual Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting. [abstract

January 2015

Our paper entitled "Simulation of chaotic electrokinetic transport: Performance of commercial software versus custom-built direct numerical simulation codes" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 

May 2013

Slippery bubble mattresses that we developed recently have been attracting attention. Here is a PNAS blog explaining the tunable drag offered by bubbles! 

May 2013

Slippery bubble continues to attract attention: Bubble mattress reduces drag in fluidic chip.